Learning Javascript on Scrimba

2 min readOct 21, 2021

After completing the JavaScript tutorial on Scrimba.com I had a few thoughts on my experience.

Firstly, I am a huge fan of the interactive environment. You are watching your instructor code in real time, but then by simply clicking into the interface you can take control and start coding where they left off. This may be hard to conceptualize without actually trying it out, but the important thing is that is a fantastic work to learn.

The course itself has great content and gets you deploying apps in no time, which is a way of learning that I have always preferred. Build first, ask questions later. Per, the course instructor, does a good job explaining many concepts that are key to programming in JavaScript.

Who is this course appropriate for?

This course was done at a pretty slow pace; I think that people with little to no coding experience could get straight in and follow along pretty easily. Usually, the hardest thing about getting started with programming is setting up your environment on your machine to be able to code from the command line or using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or code editor. This course gets you coding straight away in the Scrimba environment.

Personally, I have been programming for years in other languages, so I had a solid foundation of the core concepts that the course had to offer. But it definitely got me more comfortable with JavaScript syntax and included bonus items like how to deploy a Chrome Extension app were pretty cool (way easier than you would think).

I am currently on a journey transitioning from being a Machine Learning Engineer in Python to moving into the blockchain developer space. I am sure there are many others from other backgrounds currently making a similar transition, whereby you may need to bump up certain programming languages to move forward as a blockchain developer. As JavaScript is pretty much a must have for any blockchain developer, then if you are lacking a little in your JS skills this Scrimba course is definitely a good start. (Of course, if you are trying to enter to be a standard Web Developer this also applies!).

For those that are on the same journey, feel free to get in touch with me on Twitter (@WallyWilliams2). Remember, it’s still early days!

